10 green ideas to delimit the garden

A beautiful garden is the perfect excuse to enjoy the summer outdoors. The design of this green corner should not be alien to certain guidelines, in order to obtain a structured result that exudes harmony. Likewise, it is necessary to choose well the species with which we will gain intimacy. We are going to suggest ideas with which you will gain in aesthetics and privacy.

10 green ideas to delimit the garden

Hedges in the garden

Bearberry- Also known as manzanita, the genus Arctostaphylos puts in your hand bushy perennial shrubs that grow up to six meters. Its flowers, which occur in clusters, are small and vary from white to pink.

Photinia - This genus also has trees of variable size, with varieties reaching 15 meters in height. This alternative to border your garden is spectacular when it acquires reddish tones.

Begonia - A very large genus of which about 150 species are marketed, but from which more than 1,500 hybrids have emerged. There are flowering and non-flowering options. The ones in the picture are Begonia semperflorens. They barely reach 40 cm.

Boxwood and yew - There are combinations of hedges that make a very good visual impact. The pair formed by Buxus sempervirens or boxwood and Taxus baccata or yew is one of the most used to create attractive hedges.

Hornbeam - Ornamental par excellence, the Carpinus betulus goes by other names such as birch, leaf birch, elmwood or white beech. Very common in public areas, it is also an excellent resource for your own flowerbed.

Tuya - This is an evergreen conifer that belongs to the cypress family. With year-round leaves, this tree is perfect for creating outdoor vegetative barriers between your plot and your neighbor's plot.

Cotoneaster - is a woody plant popularly used as a hedge in gardens. Its red berries are very decorative, as are its white flowers in clusters. Cotoneaster horizontalis is also ideal as a ground cover.

Hydrangea - Belonging to the genus Hydrangea, these ornamental plants form shrubs of between one and three meters in height plagued with showy flower heads. Their colors are white, pink and blue.

Lavender - Lavandula augustifolia has a pleasant and relaxing scent. This will make your garden smell good and give it a deep purple bush. In addition, you can make infusions and creams.

Rose - The quintessential queen of flowers is capable of creating wonderful fragrant hedges. Grandifloras, Floribundas and Hybrid Tea roses are highly prized for garden borders.

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