10 evergreen trees

Remember in school when you had to distinguish between deciduous and evergreen trees? The difference between the two was very simple. The former are deciduous and lose their leaves in autumn, while the latter live for a minimum of two years, which is why they are also called evergreens. These species maintain their foliage in the cold seasons, showing off a clothed canopy all year round. Let's take a look at some evergreen trees.

10 evergreen trees

10 evergreen trees

Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) - This magnificent tree can reach up to 20 meters. From its wood camphor is extracted, a powerful balsam with multiple medicinal applications, including analgesic.

Higuerón (Ficus citrifolia) - A tropical species that needs other trees to initiate its growth. Later, it becomes independent and very stout, reaching up to 17 meters in height. Many wild animals depend on its fruits.

Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) - Also called Solomon's cedar, this tree finds its perfect habitat in the mountains. Essential oils with antiseptic properties are extracted from the leaves of this biblically reminiscent conifer.

Cork oak (Quercus suber) - One of the great protagonists of the Mediterranean forest. It is of great importance in the wine business, since cork is extracted from its bark. On the other hand, its bitter acorn is used to fatten the Iberian pig.

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) - The columnar appearance of the variety 'stricta' is the best known. Its presence is often associated with mourning and cemeteries. This funerary symbol has a wood that, among other uses, is used to make guitars.

Pinsapo (Abies pinsapo) - This elegant fir tree species is very common in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and can reach 30 meters. It delights with its enormous landscape value, but its stands are constantly threatened by devastating fires.

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) - The list of synonyms is almost endless: Scots pine, red pine, sessile pine, etc. This conifer is widespread in the northern hemisphere. It is very resistant to drought and cold, but does not tolerate pollution.

Mocan (Visnea mocanera) - It is a unique and endemic species in danger of extinction. It is only found naturally in the Canary Islands and Madeira. Its bell-shaped flowers give off a tasty aroma and begin to emerge in December.

Olive tree (Olea europaea) - Longevity is one of its most outstanding characteristics. Also known as olive tree, it is a classic tree of the Mediterranean area, closely linked to the concept of peace and harmony in many cultures.

Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) - Another slow-growing but highly resistant and adaptable Mediterranean Basin regular. A curious aspect is that its seed was the first standard of the carat, the unit of weight of jewelry par excellence.

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