Plants for beginners: the easiest species to care for

Today we are going to make a selection of plants for beginners. We will choose the easiest species to take care of so that having your first garden at home is not an impossible, frustrating or exhausting mission. Get ready to breathe a lot of good oxygen in the rooms of your apartment or house.

Plants for beginners: the easiest species to care for

For those who want to have their own garden at home but have never watered a flower, there are easy-to-care-for plant species that are ideal for beginners.

If they can survive in the desert, in the most extreme weather conditions, why shouldn't they survive in your home. Cacti are among the most resistant plant species and require the least amount of attention. You just have to pay attention to where to place them.

Indoors, best near a window. Outdoors, in a place that does not receive much water from rain, since they should be watered every 15 days or, in summer, when the soil is dry.

plants for beginners

Surely you've heard of succulents. Plants that have been trending for some seasons not only as part of home decoration, but also for events such as weddings.

They belong to the same family as cacti, so their care is very similar. Just avoid placing them in damp rooms such as the bathroom. And water them very occasionally.

easy to care for plant species

How to resist the scent of lavender. This is another plant species that is easy to care for. It has it all, because it also brings exquisite colors and scents to the home. They are ideal for planting outdoors, as a shrub, as well as indoors in a pot. It is enough to receive light and water once a week is enough.

plants for beginners

In nurseries you will find a wide variety of plants for beginners, that is, species that are easy to care for. They are those that require little watering and some even require little direct natural light.

Few plants can boast such a long life with so little care as the tiger tongue. That is the popular name of the sansevieria, a species that does not even require direct natural light to grow. So it can be placed in any corner of the house. Its growth is slow, but it can reach up to half a meter. It is ideal for vertical spaces.

easy to care for plants

The Adam's rib or monstera in its different versions (with leaves with holes or without them) will give a tropical touch to the environment in which you choose to put it. For its care it is necessary to take into account that it does not like direct sun or low temperatures. It needs water once a week and the leaves should be sprayed from time to time.

indoor plants

The jade tree besides needing very little attention brings spirituality to the house. It is part of the feng shui philosophy of decoration.

According to this oriental trend, it is the tree of prosperity and economic well-being. Although it needs a lot of light, it should be watered only every three weeks.

plants for decoration

Ficus, ribbons, potos, chefleras or ferns are other names of plants that you can take into account to create a beautiful and lush garden at home without having to spend all your leisure hours on it and with the peace of mind that you will have a green corner for a while.

Having vegetation at home is both a decorative and healthy decision, which is not forbidden to beginners in gardening. With this list of plants for beginners and the easiest species to care for that we have just made, you will have excellent results. All you have to do is visit your nearest nursery.

easy-care plants

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