Floral and natural motifs in wall decoration

Decorating walls is an art and goes beyond painting them in one color or another, so in today's article, taking advantage that we are in spring, we want to focus on floral and natural motifs to bring vitality and freshness to your room.

Floral and natural motifs in wall decoration

With them you can give life to your walls by creating murals, placing wallpaper on the wall, or using only hanging or leaning sheets. 

You can also give free rein to your imagination and create compositions with flowers and physical plants, whether natural or artificial. 

Do you want to see it? Let's get to it!


Wallpaper is one of the easiest ways to bring a new look to each of your rooms in a very creative way.

Although we can find them with geometric motifs or plain textures and colors, there are also multiple options with floral and natural motifs, usually forming a defined and repeated pattern.

wallpaper decoration

flowers decoration

The way to place it has its complications, but with some skill it can be done by oneself:

First you will have to measure the surface to be able to adapt the paper to the wall (it is advisable not to cut too tightly, as you may not have enough paper later). 

Next, the glue or adhesive must be applied from the center of the paper to the corners, covering the entire surface well. 

Finally, start laying the paper from the top corner to the center with a brush to avoid wrinkles and bubbles, and let it "rest" for a day so that the bubbles disappear.

This process will be done with each paper cut, linking all the stripes following the pattern. 

And when the entire wall is papered, you will be able to cut the excess pieces with a spatula and a small knife or cutter. 

Its maintenance is very easy, since most of them are washable, and you can place it on a whole wall, on half a wall or in the whole room, since it is a very versatile decorative element.

Floral motifs can be found in small or large sizes and in different colors, and are ideal in the courtesy toilets and in shabby or classic styles. 

wall decoration

However, if there is a shower in the bathroom, the paper must be specifically manufactured to withstand water and steam, as not all of them are suitable.

wall decoration

They are also perfect in dining rooms, either half-height or covering the main wall where the dining table is located.

wallpaper decoration

In particular, small liberty-style floral motifs look especially good in cottage, Provençal or rustic chic dining rooms or kitchens.

wallpaper decoration

Finally, they go like a glove in living areas, both to dress large walls and to give a special touch to a corner or bench under a window. 

wallpaper decoration

flowers decoration

Floral and natural murals

One of the most aesthetic options to dress up a wall is to opt for decorative murals. 

These types of designs can be custom-made and applied in the same way as wallpaper or they can also be painted on the wall directly by an artist. 

Murals differ from wallpapers in that the latter usually bear a repetition of a defined pattern, while murals form a joint design or composition that would not be understood if it were not complete.

In addition to giving your room a personality of its own, there are photo murals that can transport us to exotic and different places, like these beautiful ones by Bimago:

flowers decoration

flowers decoration

wallpaper decoration

In addition to landscapes, photo murals can also form compositions that emulate forests by combining flora and fauna, or by opting for large floral motifs.

wall decoration

wallpaper decoration

wall decoration

flowers decoration

flowers decoration

wall decoration

Posters and plates

Another way to decorate your wall easier and simpler than the previous one is to choose several floral and/or natural prints and combine them together. 

wall decoration

They should all be in the same color range or complementary colors and have a certain balance between them, always taking into account the tone of the wall.

In this sense, the green and botanical typology, based on loose leaves that give a touch of freshness to any wall, work very well.

decoration floral motifs

You can also combine different types of frames, as this way the contrast is revived. 

In fact, if you are looking for something original, you can opt for frames with different geometric shapes can give an attractive and differentiating touch to your room.

wall decoration

In addition, you can choose to combine single sheets that are different from each other, or choose several that form a continuity along different frames, creating a drawing or telling a story if they are all placed together.

wall decoration

wall decoration

decoration floral motifs

decoration floral motifs

The posters are ideal in every room. Even in the bathroom you can place them, giving a different touch and playing with this element that maybe you had not even thought of!

For example, above the bathtub or toilet, in the shower area, at the sink...

wall decoration

wall decoration

Flowers and hanging plants

Another way to include floral and natural motifs in the decoration is to do it with plants, either natural (the so-called vertical gardens) or artificial. 

In particular, artificial plants open up a wide range of possibilities in terms of wall decoration depending on your creativity.

Some ideas: place different flowers in different shades on the wall stuck with double-sided tape or adhesive putty, insert them in dividing elements as vines to turn them into a movable wall or combine wall decorations as a grid with branches full of leaves. 

decoration floral motifs

decoration floral motifs

decoration floral motifs

In the bathroom, they can add a cozier and more natural touch, or create a relaxing atmosphere while you are taking a shower or getting ready at the sink.

decoration floral motifs

wall decoration

wall decoration

As you have been able to see, decorating walls with floral and natural motifs gives a very different, fresh and spring-like touch to any environment in a much easier and more economical way than one might think. 

So now that you know a little more about the methods to achieve it, you just need to apply it to your rooms in the way you like and that suits the place.

Cheer up, your walls are crying out for it!

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