What does the ideal dining table look like?

Having a suitable dining table is essential. Large, small, rectangular, oval, wood, glass... There are options for all tastes. There are options for all tastes, not in vain, in the choice of this piece come into play different issues that go beyond our particular tastes. Do you want to know how is the ideal dining table?

What does the ideal dining table look like?

Answering the question of what the ideal dining table looks like depends on different factors, although the space available or the style of the set can be decisive.

Before even starting to think about its design, the first step is to be clear about the space it will occupy. It makes no sense to fall in love with an exaggeratedly large piece for your home, nor to do so with a small dining table that does not meet our needs.

how to choose the ideal dining table

It's not just a matter of adjusting the design to the available space for aesthetic reasons. Functionality has a lot to do with the size of the dining table. In order to provide a comfortable service, it is important that the piece respects the measurements in relation to its surroundings and also between diners.

Between the table and the wall -or the nearest piece of furniture- there must be a passage of at least 90 centimeters so as not to feel overwhelmed. If we talk about the diners, we will have to count with about 60 cm wide and about 40 cm deep, approximately, to be comfortable.

dining table design

Size is not the only thing that will help us define our ideal dining table. Its shape will also be fundamental. Square tables, for example, are very practical for families of four, couples or simply small spaces.

Rectangular designs, however, are extremely versatile and generally more generous when it comes to seating diners. Perfect for elongated dining rooms, they can increase their capacity if we opt for convertible models.

what the ideal dining table looks like

But if we are regulars of gastronomic appointments and we are looking for a total connection with our guests, a round dining table may be the best option. They are very practical in square dining rooms and allow diners to be closer to each other so they tend to generate a cozy and relaxed atmosphere at mealtime.

Oval dining tables, on the other hand, are an intermediate alternative to round or rectangular tables, while maintaining much of their versatility. In this case, they bring a certain lightness to the set as a result of the softness of their shapes,

types of dining tables

Another issue to take into account to find the perfect dining table is the use we are going to make of it. If we are talking about a piece of regular use or multifunction, that is, that we use every day and even serve as a work table, betting on a generous design may be the best solution.

For small dining rooms where freeing up space is a necessity, a folding or extendable table is a functional and aesthetically appealing alternative.

rectangular dining table

The style of each one will also define, in part, the suitability of one or another dining table and, in this sense, the materials are great allies. Solid wood is typical of rustic environments although it is also frequent in Nordic or industrial inspired decorations.

If we are talking about resistance, ceramic or tempered glass, for example, are a more than recommendable solution, besides being a modern alternative with a lot of personality.

wooden dining table

Inseparable companions of the dining table, seating will also play a key role in choosing the most appropriate design. Did you know that if you opt for chairs with armrests, for example, you should add about 10 cm more per diner for comfort? Or that a rectangular table allows you to incorporate a bench to give your dining room a cozy rustic touch?

Aesthetically, the seats are key, not only for the comfort of the whole, but also to give it a style of its own.

seats for dining tables

Materials, shapes, sizes... All this can give us clues, although there are other details that can also help. The structure that serves as a stand, for example, is also interesting. While traditional legs can be a nuisance for diners, a pedestal base will lighten the visual weight while eliminating this problem.

In any case, at the height of the e-commerce boom, it is advisable to try it out. That is to say, before opting for one model or another, it is better to check the comfort and finishes before installing it at home.

tips for choosing a dining table

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