Artificial turf on the terrace: for or against?

Having an outdoor space in the home is an added value. It doesn't matter if it's a small balcony or a generous terrace. With appropriate decoration, any outdoor setting can offer standards of comfort and charm that meet our expectations. Plants do, however, require a certain amount of dedication if we want them to always look in perfect condition. Artificial grass on the terrace, however, is an alternative that, while adding that natural-looking aesthetic touch of greenery, requires much less care.

Artificial turf on the terrace: for or against?

The installation of artificial turf on the terrace has as many defenders as detractors and, for both, this alternative to natural grass has advantages and disadvantages.

As a carpet or as a covering over the entire surface, this green mantle offers pros and cons. Your choice will depend on the balance between the pros and cons, but in any case, it is a personal choice. Savings are undoubtedly one of the main advantages.

Unlike natural grass, it does not require watering and you will not have to mow it regularly. In other words, you will have to dedicate much less attention to it to keep it always perfect.

But maintenance goes beyond watering or mowing. In any case, opting for artificial turf on the terrace also saves efforts in this regard. In general, these are proposals that do not require specific treatments.

artificial turf for terraces

Artificial grass is easy to clean and, unlike the natural version, does not cause allergies or accumulate mites or insects on its surface.

ideal artificial turf

Those who defend this synthetic version also find in its installation another reason to be in favor. In fact, there are those who bet on it even for interior decoration. 

On the terrace or balcony, as long as the surface is flat, artificial turf can be installed on all types of materials, although it is particularly easy to install on tile or concrete.

artificial turf price

Resistance is another of the advantages of artificial turf. The evolution of the sector has significantly improved its performance and, today, it is able to withstand all types of climates.

It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold, and most of the variants go beyond that, withstanding from UV rays to frost, through products such as chlorine and even sea water!

artificial turf features

Including vegetation in the decoration of a terrace or balcony is commonplace, especially in view of the growing concern for the environment and sustainability. However, not all scenarios are ready to become true orchards.

Artificial turf replaces, aesthetically, the effect of the natural version but is reusable and recyclable. Moreover, since it does not require fertilizers or other chemicals, it minimizes its impact on the environment.

terraces with artificial turf

So far so good. However, there are always some buts. The first that detractors of artificial turf on terraces, balconies or gardens point out is its high cost. Although in the long run it can mean a saving in time and money, the initial investment is higher than if we bet on natural grass.

exterior design and decoration

Another handicap has to do with its appearance. There are a multitude of types on the market, many of which have characteristics that aesthetically resemble this green mantle to its natural version. However, it is difficult to imitate the flexibility of the latter, its aroma or its nature, and this is something that must be taken into account.

If you are looking for a solution for your terrace that allows you to develop your passion for gardening, this may not be the best option.

artificial turf maintenance

Recovery is also an element to consider. Artificial turf maintenance is simple but a tough stain can have fatal results. If you have children or pets at home, this must be kept in mind.

Particularly heavy or large objects can cause irreparable damage to the surface of unnatural turf, although their incidence will depend on the quality of the turf chosen.

installation of artificial turf

As you can see there are arguments for and against, so the last word will depend on your tastes, needs and interests. If you finally decide to install artificial turf the process is simple.

Preparing the ground beforehand, placing the piece on the surface, gluing it once it has settled and adjusting it with silica sand is all you need to start enjoying your choice.

how to install artificial turf

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