How to have a rustic kitchen in an express way

In decoration, rustic is synonymous of wild, rural, country, natural, wild...  Paying attention to some details, without the need for major works or complex reforms, we can give that cozy and warm air of rustic style to our home. If you are thinking about how to have a rustic kitchen in an express way, you are in the right place and we have prepared a small guide with tips to achieve it in a simple and quick way.

How to have a rustic kitchen in an express way

If you are wondering how to have a rustic kitchen in an express way, remember that among the hallmarks of this decorative style are materials such as wood, brick and stone.

Whenever we talk about the rustic style of decoration we always mention its main materials, such as wood, exposed brick or stone, two elements that shine with special light if they are in the structures of a kitchen (ceilings, walls, floors ...).

how to have an express rustic kitchen

But if you want to go for this trend without embarking on major works, the simplest solution may be to choose a table and chairs of country inspiration, in natural, noble and robust wood.

kitchen table decoration

Wood is the queen of any self-respecting rustic kitchen and if it is not in the beams or in the parquet, it can be present not only in the table and chairs, but also in the countertop, in the front of the cabinets.

Clear, painted white or with aged finish, in the central island or even as a support for the hood (if it is made of work, even better) .... There are many possibilities.

materials rustic kitchen

Having everything in sight will give a carefree and informal air, very typical of the rooms of this style. Therefore, another option to have a rustic kitchen is to remove the doors to the cupboard or install shelves or open furniture.

If we are able to maintain a certain order, it is a tip that we should not overlook for our country kitchen.

country kitchen furniture

As the natural is imposed in kitchens with rural touches, incorporating fiber baskets to store things is also a great idea. Natural fibers also add an interesting touch of warmth to chairs, stools, rugs, planters or lamps, among other possible elements.

Without the need for major works, rustic can come from vintage objects, natural fiber accessories and even copper or iron elements hanging in plain sight.

How to have a rustic kitchen in an express way

The combination of all the materials we have mentioned so far with iron and copper details is perfect. It is achieved in a very simple way, just by hanging the utensils or pans in sight, or reusing old cans that we can support on shelves and open cabinets. Clay, ceramic or porcelain containers are also valid for a rustic kitchen.

decoration ideas

The vintage or nostalgic touch is another key element to have a rustic kitchen in an express way. And it is achieved by recovering old elements that may come from the old family home or from the flea market of a remote village. From a stone sink to the kitchen utensils, to a cupboard with a glass cabinet, any of these pieces will provide additional charm to the room.

Rustic kitchens, besides being warm and cozy, are also cheerful. That is why we do not have too many objections when it comes to the colors or patterns, always within a balance. Everything will depend on the general idea of decorating the room, and if we want to combine it with any other style.

rustic style kitchen decoration

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