Get organized at home: What does Feng Shui recommend?

Organization at home is essential for energy to flow through every room. Order has a positive impact on your daily life, filling your life with positive feelings. In these hard times, marked by social distance and isolation at home, disciplines such as Feng Shui become relevant. This Chinese philosophy takes into account aspects such as orientation and arrangement of furniture and objects to promote domestic harmony. Although knowing its precepts in depth implies a detailed study, we are going to present you in this post some of its basic notions. If you are wondering what Feng Shui recommends to live better, read on.

Get organized at home: What does Feng Shui recommend?

In common spaces, what this philosophy recommends is to make energy circulate without obstacles. It is not complicated to adapt the hall, kitchen, living room and dining room to this philosophy.

Feng Shui in the foyer - The most important rule is not to place bulky furniture in the entrance of the house. Be aware that the front door is a fundamental energetic entrance, so it should not be blocked. The decoration should be simple, with some floral arrangement and a container to leave the keys. Coat racks are not recommended.

Feng Shui foyer ideas

Feng Shui in the kitchen - Cleanliness is paramount. No unscrubbed dishes or leave the plate where we cook dirty for hours. We must try to separate the cooking area of the water, making the fires are not right next to the sink. Cooking is synonymous of abundance, so take advantage and practice new recipes because if you only use the microwave, wealth will never come to your house.

Feng Shui kitchen ideas

Feng Shui in the living room - This discipline insists that it is important that people sit facing each other, so corner sofas would be the best choice. However, the space available sometimes makes this impossible. To achieve balance, stick the sofa to a wall, introduce different textures in the furniture and some change in textiles from time to time, as dynamism is welcome.

Feng Shui living room ideas

Feng Shui in the dining room - It is preferable that the table where you sit to eat with your family is round, since it is better to avoid edges and right angles. Another tip is to place a mirror where you see yourselves reflected while you eat. Try not to overload this space too much so as not to distract the diners. Even when you do not use it, the table should not be a kind of museum of decorative objects.

feng shui dining room

Feng Shui in private spaces seeks harmony. Order is the most important aspect to take care of in the bedroom, bathroom and office. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Feng Shui in the bedroom - Tranquility is the premise in the room dedicated to sleep, so soft colors are the most suitable. It is important to keep metals as far away as possible to fall asleep quickly, especially in the part of the headboard. It is better that this piece is made of wood or upholstered. Forget about leaving clothes scattered around, it is a source of conflict.

Feng Shui bedroom ideas

Feng Shui in the bathroom - One aspect that you should have under control is the toilet lid, which should always be lowered. Take care of the scent of this room with air fresheners that emanate fragrance automatically and periodically. As for your belongings, try to organize them by categories: all the capital products together, all the towels grouped together, all the make-up in the same drawer, etc.

Feng Shui bathroom ideas

Feng Shui in the office - Now that telecommuting is in vogue, it is time to align your home office with this discipline. In addition to ensuring that all the material, from pens to books, are tidy, you should get rid of any useless or superfluous objects so that the energy does not stagnate. As for lighting, it is vital that there is a direct point of light in addition to the ambient light.

Feng Shui office ideas

Decorative objects are important for Feng Shui. Circular shapes and the presence of water are points in favor. If you have a pet, make sure it feels as comfortable as you do.

Circular objects - Avoiding variegation is not synonymous with strict minimalism. Of course you can decorate with accessories, but what Feng Shui recommends is that they should have circular or spiral shapes because they invite movement. Likewise, Feng Shui is in favor of natural materials.

Feng Shui decoration ideas

Decorating with water - The liquid element has the function of attracting wealth in the Feng Shui universe. A fountain or an aquarium will enhance the arrival of money to the home. In addition, the sound of water is very pleasant and allows you to disconnect from stress. The best places to place these objects are the hall, the living room or the office.

Feng Shui source ideas

Pets - A dog, a cat and, in general, any pet represents energy inside the house. Feng Shui is very supportive of turtles, but the truth is that the mere presence of a pet is already welcome. Make sure it has a place to be comfortable, such as a special bed or a soft cushion.

ideas pets Feng Shui

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