Trees for the summer: 10 examples to enjoy their shade

When the sun is hot, we look for trees that provide shade. This natural shelter is comforting when the thermometers reach high temperatures. During the summer season, there are trees that produce flowers in summer, some even full of color and fragrance. Here are ten examples of summer trees that are at their best during these hot months.

Trees for the summer: 10 examples to enjoy their shade

These summer trees are perfect for excellent shade: silk tree, cow's foot and fire tree.

Silk tree (Albizia julibrissin) - A deciduous tree that also goes by the common name of Constantinople acacia. Of Asian origin, this tree is common along the Spanish coast. Its fragrant flowers begin to appear between the end of May and the beginning of June.

Pata de vaca (Bauhinia forficata) - Its clusters of white to pinkish, orchid-like flowers are widely known in South America, where it is found in countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Also called ox hoof has medicinal uses.


Fire tree (Brachychiton acerifolius) - The stunning scarlet-red color that the flowers of this tree take on at the gates of summer make it a species of enormous visual impact. In addition to its attractive bearing, this summer tree is very long-lived.

for cow

fire tree

Looking for a tree that flowers in summer? Be careful because some are poisonous (red trumpet tree) or are listed as invasive species (butterfly bush) or are dangerous for children (palo borracho).

Red trumpet tree (Brugmansia sanguinea) - Ecuador, Columbia and Peru are the countries where this uniquely shaped flowering tree is cultivated. The scopolamine extracted after drying its leaves is hallucinogenic and can cause death. It flowers at the end of summer.

Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii) - Of enormous ornamental power, its flowers are lilac, purple, white, etc.... In late summer, its branches are crowned with flowers in the form of elongated pine cones. In Spain it is prohibited by the Spanish catalog of invasive alien species.

Palo borracho (Ceiba chodatii) - This native South American species is populated in summer with isolated and unmistakable white flowers. Also called bottle tree, the thorns on its trunk are very characteristic. If you have children in your garden, it is best to remove them.

butterfly bush

There are also spring trees that still look splendid in summer, such as the Australian oak; or that bloom in summer but are more autumn trees (Syrian rose).

drunken stick

Australian oak (Grevillea robusta) - In bloom, it gives off a very powerful yellow to orange color. It goes by other common names such as golden pine or silver oak. Although its flowers emerge in spring, they remain resplendent throughout the summer. It will be the protagonist of your garden.

Syrian rose (Hibiscus syriacus) - The also known as altea has flowers that you have surely seen on walks and avenues. You'll recognize them by their purple or white petals with a red heart in the center. This shrub blooms from late summer to mid-fall.

australian oak

Two last suggestions for summer trees: a species with beautiful flowers but that is better not to touch (itchy tree) and a fruit tree whose prize is heart-shaped (apple tree).

Syrian rose

Pica-pica tree (Lagunaria patersonii) - This flowering plant owes its common name to the tiny hairs that hide its seeds and become embedded in the skin producing a rather annoying hives. Its mauve-colored flowers appear between spring and summer.

Apple tree (Malus domestica) - Before reaching our table, apples grow on a tree that at the beginning of the summer season is filled with large flowers of a pale pink very close to white. In fact, the earliest apples may emerge in June.

pica pica tree

apple tree

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