10 ideas to optically enlarge a small garden

If you are one of the privileged ones who have a green space in property, do not hesitate to take advantage of it. No matter how small it may be, the pleasant moments it will provide you with are enough pretext for you to make a bit of a headache and condition it. We will help you with some tips.

10 ideas to optically enlarge a small garden

10 ways to optimize space in a small garden

Small spaces, whether inside or outside the house, always require a thorough planning. Before getting to work, think about how you want to use it throughout the year, how it is illuminated, what shape it has, how are the walls and fences that surround it...

Like a mirror in any room of the house, a pond is a very typical resource to optically enlarge a small green space. It can even be placed in the center, and have a small bridge to cross it.

Terraces are also a good idea to trick the eye, since covering the space will have to cover more area than in a flat area.

In addition to devising different solutions for the ground, vertical planes are also surfaces that can be treated, especially if they are dividing walls or unsightly walls that turn your garden into a claustrophobic space.

If the patio is really small, we recommend that you limit the number of materials and elements to achieve a unitary and diaphanous image.

In such cases, it can also work to create a continuity of materials, colors... with the interior space to which they are connected.

If the plan of the garden is square, and you are a bit risky, playing with the diagonal to compose the space will add dynamism and surprise.

Curved and wavy lines can also help create that sense of movement.

By cleverly using vegetation, we can exaggerate the perspective and make the space appear larger. To do this we must create a gradient, and place the larger elements, with darker tones and thicker texture in the foreground, and the smaller, lighter-colored elements at the end, in the farthest plane.

Finally, another strategy to follow is to create a focus (through a sculpture, a fountain, an original bench...) that concentrates the viewer's attention and makes him forget the small dimensions of the place.

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