Ideas for decorating with artificial and treated flowers

The Christmas holidays are over and with them it is time to remove the typical Christmas decorations that brighten up the house with lights, colors and endless decorations.

Ideas for decorating with artificial and treated flowers

However, once removed, it does not mean that our house has to remain undecorated, on the contrary. More than ever we have to keep the joy alive in the house, as it will be permanent throughout the year.

In what is our first post of the year we want to show you the possibilities that flowers offer in interior decoration. You will agree that with their freshness and colorfulness they are able to highlight any space.

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

Decoration with flowers

However, if we opt for natural flowers, in a short time we will see how they wither and we will have a sad and decadent result.

To avoid this we will have to change them often, with the consequent cost involved, or opt for other options such as dried, artificial, freeze-dried or preserved flowers.

And you may ask, what are the differences between all of them?

Below we detail the characteristics of each of them, so that you can evaluate the best option according to your tastes or needs.

Artificial flowers

For those who do not have time to take care of the maintenance of natural plants, are not good at it and end up spoiling them, either by lack of water or by excess, or simply do not feel like focusing on this task; you can always get a nice centerpiece of artificial flowers or an artificial plant to fill your home with green.

Nowadays there are a great variety of brands that manage to emulate the visual (and in many occasions tactile) effect of natural flowers. It is true that with large plants it is not so successful, but it is all a matter of time.

The only drawback is that they usually have a high price, but in the long run it will be compensated. You only have to do the calculations to see that changing a bouquet of natural flowers every week would be much more expensive. Artificial flowers are practically for life.

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers

Dried flowers

Water is extracted from them, either by drying, pressing or simply leaving them without water for a sufficient period of time, depending on the type of flower.

When they are dry, they can be dyed and fixed to restore part of their original image.

Once dried, they are extremely delicate and fragile, the branches break easily and the petals eventually fall off, so they are not very durable.

Dried flowers

Dried flowers

Dried flowers

Dried flowers

Dried flowers

Dried flowers

Freeze-dried flowers

In many occasions they are confused with the dried ones, but this type of flowers are subjected to a process that has nothing to do with the previously mentioned.

This method stabilizes the flowers by means of a freezing treatment and water extraction by sublimation. The water that accumulates in the flower is transformed from a liquid to a gaseous state, thus avoiding crystallization. Subsequently, they are subjected to a treatment with silica and natural dyes.

Freeze-dried flowers

Freeze-dried flowers

Freeze-dried flowers

Freeze-dried flowers

Freeze-dried flowers

Preserved flowers

They are 100% natural flowers that have been subjected to a preservation process that manages to maintain, without the help of light and water, the freshness and elegance that characterizes them.

By means of a preserving liquid product composed of vegetable elements and glycerin, which replaces the sap and water of the flower, the static image is maintained for months, with practically no need for maintenance.

This process is carried out at the moment when the flowers are at the peak of their splendor.

In short, it is also a drying process, but much more sophisticated.

Preserved flowers

Preserved flowers

Preserved flowers

Preserved flowers

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