How to make a hanging flower pot

Hanging planters are one of the most decorative elements that you can place in your house. They are very aesthetic, especially to decorate balconies or patios that are not completely open. But in the interior they are also a complement of enormous attraction. The best thing is that you don't need to be a handyman if you are wondering how to make a hanging planter yourself.

How to make a hanging flower pot

To begin with, before choosing the materials that will frame the plant, you should choose the leafy species suitable for this type of structure. The ideal is to opt for those whose leaves have a cascading growth, that is, that protrude through the pot and spread along the edges of it, since the effect is very beautiful. Ivy, poto, ribbon, fern... and if in addition to green you want flowers, the list is almost infinite: petunia, fuchsia, pansy, geranium, lantana, begonia, etc.

If you are wondering how to make a hanging planter, you should know that the fastening is fundamental, as well as the materials you will use to show off your favorite plants in your home.

In order to hang the baskets in a balanced way, you can use a three or four point system with strong ropes. Macramé hanging pots are very fashionable, they look great anywhere and there are many combinations of knots.

macramé hanging pot

Climbing ropes are another option. In addition, if you bet on a striking color, you will achieve a very original result. Buy a plastic planter and make holes in it with a drilling machine or even a hand riveter.

How to make a hanging flower pot

If you prefer ceramic pots, you will have to drill holes with a special drill bit suitable for this kind of material. As a suggestion, some leather ribbons fixed with rivets look great. Easy hangers will do the rest.

After ropes, metal chains are the most commonly used method for hanging pots indoors. They are also used outdoors, but care must be taken to ensure that they do not rust. Some sockets will serve to hold the chain firmly.

If you're a real artist, you won't be able to resist copying this hanging planter design with some wire hangers. Make sure that the circular area of the wire fits under the wide part of the pot, in the upper area.

You may have noticed that to make a hanging planter does not take too much time or spend a lot of money. With materials you have at home it is possible to give a new location to your favorite species and fill the rooms with joy.

You can even consider it as a craft to do with the little ones at home. Recycling some plastic bottles with a coat of paint and some strings you will get some nice hanging flowerpots and your children will love to water them.

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