Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Today we want to say goodbye to the week with vitality, and for that we dedicate this post to the decoration of living rooms in two colors, a modality only suitable for daring people that leaves aside minimalism and monochromatic character to bring life to the home.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

And we say "only for the daring" because when it comes to decorating the living room, people tend to be very conservative, and either opt for neutral or soft tones that convey serenity, or they are attracted to color but are afraid of "getting tired".

However, if you like the color but are afraid of not making the right choice or going overboard, a good option is to do it little by little:

The first thing to consider is the color and tone of the floor, since it is an immovable factor unless you decide to install a new one. With this in mind, you can choose the colors you like and check which ones fit better with your flooring.

Next, study color theory: think about whether you like contrast or harmony, and based on that, choose complementary colors or colors from the same chromatic range.

Do not forget the psychology of color either. Bright colors have chromatic qualities that directly affect our mood and depending on the character we have will cause some or other sensations. Try to match the colors chosen with how you want to feel at home or what emotions you want to enhance.

Once you have studied the above, from the list of suitable colors, choose two as the main tones so as not to risk with a multicolor and distribute them with small touches in the decoration of your living room (cushions, rugs or some decorative accessories are perfect candidates for this). You can use one of the two (the lighter one) for large surfaces such as walls or key pieces of furniture and the other for these small things.

Of course, if you want to risk less, you can opt for a strong color and a neutral color (gray, white or black). For example, you could opt for a "blue-gray" or a "cream" as a base color and use the other as a focal point that takes all the attention.

If you still don't know which way to go, let's take a look at a few combinations of two-color lounges for inspiration:

Blue and Red (or Pink)

Blue and red are complementary colors, that is to say, they contrast with each other because they are opposites. Red brings vitality while blue is characterized by generating serenity and promoting concentration. If you combine them you will get a vibrant and very personal space, although being both very strong, we recommend you to opt for blues that are close to gray.


You can also use them in their pastel versions to soften the atmosphere or to achieve a less pronounced contrast.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

If, on the other hand, you are looking to differentiate yourself, try combining a navy blue with a pale pink and you will achieve a more sober and alternative atmosphere to the usual shades.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Gray and Yellow

Another winning combination is gray and yellow, one for its sober character and the other for its brightness and joy, form the perfect binomial in the decoration of living rooms in two colors. If you opt for this option it is best to bet on using gray in 80% of the room and place the yellow in small strokes through the accessories.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Yellow and Blue

Light blue and yellow are colors that bring a lot of light and vitality to the decoration. The first is more associated with freshness and the second with warmth. If you use them together you will get an atmosphere of high chromatic contrast, so it is advisable to give preference to one over the other to achieve some visual balance.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Pink and bluish gray

The color pink is very powerful visually, although it tends to be limited to the feminine sphere. However, by toning it down to pale pink (which has an orangey tinge) or darkening it to burgundy (more elegant) you can achieve somewhat more neutral ambiances that are suitable for all audiences.

In any case, if you are a lover of this color, the tone with which it combines the most is gray, either in its purest form or in its bluer variants.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Green and Yellow

Green and yellow form a very appropriate combination, as they are frequently found together in nature. Both are harmonious and cheerful colors that can be used in the decoration of living rooms playing with their different degrees of brightness.

Thus, apple green or lemon yellow are more youthful and daring, while bottle green or mustard yellow are used in more sober environments. You can also choose to apply a mixture of both to achieve a very elegant space, for example, combining a dark green as a base and a bright yellow in a piece of furniture or a complement.

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Other shades

Other colors that go well with each other when combined in pairs are usually purple and fuchsia...

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

... blue and orange...

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Or blue and green...

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Want more examples? Well, here we leave you with several salons in two colors and their vibrant results. Have a nice weekend!

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

Decoration of living rooms in two colors

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