Open vs. closed libraries

Today we want to open a debate: What do you prefer, open or closed bookstores? With this we would like to see which option you all prefer the most.

Open vs. closed libraries

After making a project for a couple in which each member had their own taste about this type of furniture, and after giving several turns on whether it should be open or not, we thought it was a great idea to share it with you.

And the fact is that the fact of choosing it in one way or another conditions the general decoration of the room.

In the case of the clients, it was a bookcase for the office. For one it was more practical for it to be open, while for the other it was more aesthetically pleasing for it to be closed.

We are going to explain the different options offered by the shelves and we will check how they affect the interior design. In this way you will have all the information you need to make an informed choice.

Closed bookstores

With opaque doors

If you are a lover of tidy spaces and clean environments that convey peace, then this is your option.

It will also be if, despite liking all of the above, you are unable to maintain order and keep everything in a pile, or have a tendency to leave your things in the first free place you find.

The good thing about closed shelves with opaque doors is that they help you maintain an apparent order. All you have to do is make the little effort to store it inside and in no time you'll have it as a routine.

And if you order the custom bookcase, you can also opt for a door design that has its own grace, such as panels or moldings and add a graceful handle.

It is also advisable to opt for low bookcases in this case so that a closed piece of furniture is not too overwhelming. This will depend on the room in question.

And being low, if you have space to expand it in width, you can also add an open module to break the monotony.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

With full glass doors

This option is for tidy people who hate to dust every now and then.

Storing your books and other belongings in a bookcase with glass doors allows you to keep them cleaner for longer.

In addition, this type of furniture has more character and a style with much more presence.

Let's say that the bookshelf can be above the decorative objects you place on it. So it's perfect when we just want to store books and don't want to add any other styling details.

Of course, it is essential to be meticulous since everything will be in sight, so it is not enough to store things in any way. It is necessary to have the aesthetics of order always present.

Therefore, it is important to value the way in which the books will be stored. Ideally, they should be of similar heights, following the same chromatic range.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Open bookstores

Open from floor to ceiling

Here we give full prominence to the books or decorative objects that we want to store.

They are a real eye-catcher in homes with high ceilings that want to have an open bookcase that becomes the focal point and draws all the attention.

The division of the different modules is usually quite regular, since it is not intended to dazzle with its design.

Generally all openings are the same height and width and look really good in both rectangular and square formats.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

There are also those that reach the ceiling in spaces with more human heights and, in these cases, playing minimally with the design of it gives it a very special touch.

For example, a built-in bookcase with a wooden shelf to add warmth.

In corridors or openings next to a door, they look great.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Open, but with closed lower module

For anyone who is halfway between open and closed shelving, there is the option of combining both styles.

Making the lower part opaque allows us to have some chaos out of sight, while keeping the upper part more decorative and tidy with open shelves.

This has always been seen frequently in classic styles, but it is equally valid for more contemporary environments, it simply has to be of simpler lines and without moldings on the lower doors.

In addition, playing with color will also make it look more spectacular, as you can see in the following images. But remember, color will limit you more when selecting decorative complements.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Half-height shelving or single modules

If you have few books, you can opt for a low furniture. Together with the decoration that you can add on top (lamp, paintings, sculptures, etc.) you will have a very cozy reading corner.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Open bookcases as room dividers

They are great for keeping spaces open, but creating different atmospheres at the same time. Whether at the ceiling or at a lower height.

Its open holes allow us to see what is on the other side, maintaining some privacy. In addition, we can strategically place complements to hide what we are most interested in.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

The importance of complements

If we have decided to opt for an open bookcase, then we cannot forget that order and complements will be our best allies. Here are some tips to get your decoration right.

The green touch of plants

If you are going to keep a lot of books, a good ally to break the monotony are plants. They give color, texture and a lot of joy.

So do not hesitate, even if it is a small pot, a touch of green is always a good idea.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Books placed upside down

You've come to the conclusion that you want an open bookshelf, but you don't like the visual chaos of seeing all those books, each from its own father and mother, with different heights, colors and formats.

How about placing them upside down? I know that the first thing you will think is that to find a specific book is crazy, but this is about preferences and from experience we know that there are tastes for everyone.

The truth is that it is very nice and different, because the chromatic range is equalized.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Bright colors

In a white bookcase or in a very light color, such as gray for example, bright colors stand out more and

Select several objects in different colors or add just a brushstroke. Either way, you'll add a lot of life to the room by decorating the shelf.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

Selected objects

If what we want is to dress up a wall in which we do not know very well what to do, and therefore decide to add a shelf is purely aesthetic, then each object that we place should be very well thought out.

We can play with symmetry, with baskets, vases, photos and figures. And all this with a color combination that matches perfectly.

And, as you can see in the image, if you make it to measure, you can also choose to make it with a semicircular arch, to get out of the norm and give it more emphasis.

Decorating with open bookcases and closed bookcases

As you can see, there are many options to choose from when it comes to bookcases for our home. We only have to consider whether we want a cleaner and tidier environment with the closed ones or if we are able to maintain order and aesthetics when they are open.

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