Furniture on wheels for mobile living

If you live in a small apartment and need to move the coffee table in the living room to make room when you have dinner with friends; if you have a multipurpose room for guests, office and living room or if you have to watch TV sideways because you can not place it in front of the sofa, this is definitely your article. Furniture on wheels offers us mobility, and therefore better use of space, as well as a casual air that will bring a touch of style to our decor. Let's see the most typical ones!

Furniture on wheels for mobile living

Coffee tables

If the wheels have a presence in any piece of furniture, it is undoubtedly in the coffee tables. In this auxiliary furniture they look like in no other; largely because not with all furniture we can afford the luxury of rolling them out, however, this auxiliary piece is able to provide us with the two that are so difficult to combine: aesthetics and functionality. The wheels bring us originality and personality at the same time that allows us to move it easily if we want to recompose the distribution of the living room, for example when we have guests.

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

Television furniture

As in the previous option, there are times when it is very convenient to turn the TV to see it better. This usually happens when the distribution of the living room does not allow us to have the TV in front of the sofa and we are forced to have it tilted on a perpendicular wall instead of parallel to the seating area. In this situation, a bench with wheels allows us to move it when it is in use and move it away again at other times.

TV cabinet on casters

TV cabinet on casters


We continue in the living room with its possible furniture on wheels. If we are into innovation and industrial or youthful airs, a sofa on wheels can provide us with those styles. Of course, be careful not to throw yourself if our wheels do not have brakes because we can go flying.

Sofa on wheels

TV cabinet on casters


We continue through the office and find two possibilities. The first one is the desk. The wheels will be very useful especially in those cases in which the office is in a multipurpose room: study, guest room, relaxation room, etc.. But don't forget that we can also opt for a desk with casters simply for the sake of it.

Desk with casters

Desks with casters

Chest of drawers

Our second piece of furniture with wheels for the home office. If in other furniture it is an optional, in the drawers it is a very useful component. It is true that there are many fixed drawer units that are equally useful or that even function as a desk leg; but when our buck is on wheels, it allows us greater mobility, to take it from one place to another and, as we said before, to move it in case we are in a multipurpose room.

Chest of drawers with wheels

Desks with casters

Beds and nightstands

If you still want more furniture with wheels, we continue through the bedroom until we get to the bed and nightstands.

Bedside table with casters

Kitchen islands

We come to the end of this list and we do it moving us to the kitchen. Surely you think it is impossible to find wheels anywhere here, but the truth is that it is possible. The kitchen island is a good candidate to carry our friends the bearings and they look this good:

Kitchen island with wheels

Kitchen islands with casters

Interesting world of bearings, isn't it? Well, if you have been left wanting to see more furniture with wheels, we leave you with other examples that will make your mouth water.

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

Coffee tables with casters

TV cabinet on casters

TV cabinet on casters

TV cabinet on casters

Kitchen islands with casters

Kitchen islands with casters

Kitchen islands with casters

Kitchen islands with casters

Desks with casters

Kitchen islands with casters

Desks with casters

We hope you liked this versatile accessory for furniture. For our part, we will be back with our batteries charged with many more decorating ideas after Easter, enjoy a well-deserved vacation!

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