Tricks to maintain order in the living room

Chairs that are used as hangers, tables full of stuff, blankets jumbled up, cables in the TV area.... If the scene looks familiar, it's more than likely that your living room is crying out for some order. The main room in the day area has an obvious tendency to chaos. Whether it's the hustle and bustle it endures or habits acquired over time, the truth is that there are many issues that threaten the status quo of a space meant to evoke serenity. With these tricks to maintain order in the living room you will have it easier.

Tricks to maintain order in the living room

Chaos is one of the biggest enemies of comfort inside the home and the day area is usually the most affected. However, there are many tricks to maintain order in the living room.

Stop accumulating things is the first thing you should start practicing. Sometimes, clutter is not so much caused by a lack of organization as by an excess of things. Before adding a piece of furniture, accessory or similar, think about whether you really need it.

It is important that you assign a place to each element and, of course, that you avoid leaving things in the living room that do not belong there. Are you going to make yourself comfortable? Have you just arrived? Clothes and accessories are best on the coat rack at the entrance or in the laundry basket if necessary.

tricks to maintain order in the living room

Without falling into excess, furniture can become your best allies when it comes to keeping the living room tidy. The cabinets, for example, offer an ideal storage space to place from blankets to household items, through all kinds of objects you want to store in the living room.

Remember, however, that not everything goes. Even if it is not visible, you must keep its interior perfectly organized and the same if you choose to use drawers. In the market you will find a multitude of organizers so that its interior maintains the harmony that you will achieve on the outside.

how to maintain order in the living room

Blankets and cushions are two of the must-haves in the decoration of the living room but they are also a real threat to the balance of the room. We tend to leave them in any way and that clashes head-on with the idea of order.

If the idea of storing them in a closet does not seduce you, you can always bet on systems that bring a touch of warmth to the decor. A few wicker baskets may be all you need to achieve this. In any case, do not fall into the error of the "wild baskets". If you do not assign them a particular function you run the risk that they end up becoming an accumulator of junk.

where to store blankets in the living room

Among the tricks to keep the living room tidy, the idea of not saturating is key. Avoid elements that only add noise and use the allies you need to ensure harmony.

If you have children, having some extra storage solutions such as shelves or baskets can be helpful. In any case, there are some formulas that will help you maintain a perfect organization. The main element that colonizes your shelves, for example some books, should not occupy more than 60% of its surface. Another 30% should be left empty and the remaining 10% can be used to incorporate some decoration.

tidying up children's toys in the living room

Other elements that often end up creating chaos in the living room are the cushions. Avoid falling into excess. One per seat and one more will be enough. On the other hand, your sofa and even poufs can also help you keep order in the living room. You just have to opt for pieces with built-in storage.

tips for maintaining order in the living room

There are not in every living room but the coffee table is an element that, well managed, can be very useful. Given the choice, better one with drawers than with shelves but, in any case, with a system that can help you with the organization.

Considering that it is usually a space of chaos, that is, an element where all kinds of objects end up, there are some considerations to take into account. Try to group the elements in trays to increase the sense of order and, if you are going to place magazines or papers on its surface -better to process them before- bet to do it in an orderly manner. Straight lines can convey a sense of balance.

how to keep order in the living room step by step

The television, the stereo, the router... There are many electronic devices that are part of the equipment in the living room. However, their cables are another of the most frequent threats to order. To avoid this, there are different models of cable organizers on the market that will keep chaos at bay.

Remote controls left to their own devices are another element of clutter. Avoiding it is as simple as getting a remote control keeper, a small box or a basket that you can place on the side of the sofa or on the surface of the coffee table.

ideas to organize the living room

The living room is a room that has undergone changes as a result of the confinement imposed by the pandemic. Teleworking has been imposed in many homes and today there are many who have dedicated part of it to design their home office.

If you have a workspace in the living room, it is essential that, once your day is over, you leave everything perfectly tidy. In addition to a question of comfort, proper organization will also help you to disconnect.

home office

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