Everything you need to know about vinyl carpets

Dressing the floors of your home is something you should consider when developing the interior design project of your home. The choice of materials will make its particular contribution but, in recent times, vinyl carpets have gained positions as an indispensable complement.

Everything you need to know about vinyl carpets

Versatile, easy to maintain and suitable for all types of spaces. Vinyl carpets have become great allies of decoration, a resource with endless possibilities for the home.

The reasons are to be found, among other things, in their very nature. These types of solutions are made of PVC, that is, the plastic that is less dependent on oil. In addition, many companies use eco-solvent inks and, in most cases, these products are 100% recyclable. In this way, sustainability and design combine to offer resources with a high aesthetic potential.

vinyl carpets what they are

Its easy installation is another feature that makes vinyl carpets an increasingly demanded element. They do not have adhesive or, in other words, they do not stick to the floor.

Thanks to the rubbery material they are made of, they adhere to the floor surface. Simply unroll them and place them in the desired location to benefit from all their attractiveness.

vinyl carpet designs

The advantages of vinyl carpets go beyond installation or sustainability. Their care is also among their charms. All you need is a damp cloth or, if you prefer, a little soap and water to restore the splendor of its surface.

Its easy maintenance is due, among other things, to its properties. This type of carpet is hypolergenic and most of them have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal treatments. In addition, they are waterproof and slip-resistant.

vinyl carpets where to place them

While their properties are one of the great advantages of this type of decorative elements, their designs are no less so. If there is one thing that characterizes these sustainable rugs, it is their versatility. They imitate tiles, imitate materials or combine colors and motifs in designs that exude personality.

Classic, vintage, modern, imitating hydraulic tiles? There are so many and so varied options in terms of design that, if you decide to dress your floors with these carpets, you will have a hard time choosing!

vinyl carpets maintenance

Another interesting thing you should know about vinyl carpets is that they adapt to all kinds of spaces. In the kitchen, the entrance, the living room, the bathroom, the children's bedroom... Choosing the place where you are going to place them can be a good starting point to find the most appropriate design.

sustainable vinyl carpets

Its high level of customization is another of the hallmarks of this decorative complement. In general, you can find standard sizes depending on whether you are looking for rugs for the living room, entrance hall, bathroom...

However, many firms offer the possibility of creating custom-made carpets both in terms of dimensions and in terms of design and even shapes.

vinyl carpets what they are

As you can see, there are many advantages of opting for this type of accessories which, on the other hand, are also suitable for outdoors. Their resistance is part of their attractiveness. In fact, given their ability to remain in perfect condition despite the daily hustle and bustle, they are an increasingly common solution in spaces such as children's rooms, offices and even homes with pets.

vinyl carpet shapes

But vinyl carpets are not only great allies of decoration. They are also a tool of extraordinary potential to carry out a low cost reform. Changing the floor paving or the color of the walls is something common to give a totally renewed air to the home.

However, this type of intervention can be very costly. The installation of a vinyl carpet is an economical alternative that will give you great results. Separate environments, create focal points within the decoration, renew the style of a room .... It's up to you!

vinyl carpets properties

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