5 steps to restore flower pots

Clay is one of the materials with which pots for plants and flowers have traditionally been made. It is a natural and beautiful material, which gives a rustic air to the exterior and interior spaces in which we place the containers and objects made with it. Temperature changes, shocks... can damage and crack it. Here is how to solve these problems.

5 steps to restore flower pots

how-to-restore-pots How to restore flower pots

There are many causes that can cause a planter or clay pot to crack or break. Blows are the most obvious, but we must also take into account the thermal changes, especially if they are placed outdoors.

How to restore flower pots

If you have had a garden for years, you will have noticed that the clay pots you have bought in the last ten years perform much worse than the older ones. This is because the clay used today is more filtered than the clay used in the past, which makes it less resistant to temperature variations and has a greater capacity to absorb water, which, when it freezes, bursts.

How to restore flower pots

How to restore flower pots

To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you coat your pots with hot virgin oil or wax diluted with turpentine. This will greatly prevent the pores from getting wet and bursting. But if this advice comes too late, and what you want is to recompose the pieces of your pot, follow the instructions below.

How to restore flower pots

The first thing you have to do is to clean the areas surrounding the crack, and let them dry.

How to restore flower pots

Then you have to apply silicone putty in the crack or around the edges of the pieces where it has broken down.

How to restore flower pots

Press the cracked areas together so that the putty will join them and let the container dry upside down for several hours. You can help yourself with a string to exert more pressure on the different fragments.

How to restore flower pots

When it has dried, rub the putty that seeped next to the cracks.

How to restore flower pots

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