Monkeys in interior decoration

Pineapples, flamingos, cactus, demijohns.... From time to time a particular object becomes fashionable when it comes to decorating spaces and seems to multiply like loaves and fishes, and that is what is currently happening to the monkeys, to whom we dedicate this post.

Monkeys in interior decoration

This curious little animal seems that it would have more place among trees and bananas, but it has crept into the design and decoration of the most varied spaces and its presence is beginning to be seen here and there as another decorative object.

Monkeys in decoration can take many different forms: they can be present in the form of wallpaper, creative lamps, sculptures or as part of pieces of furniture, so we are going to show you some examples for those of you who want to be the latest in interior design and need that personal touch to give to your homes. Let's go with it!

Monkeys as decorative objects

They act as small sculptures, since their human-like shape assimilates their presence to the faces or sculptural busts with which many rooms decorate sideboards or coffee tables, not to mention their valuable utility as paperweights :)

Monkeys in interior design

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

Wallpapers and prints

We have already commented more than once that tropical is in fashion. Wallpapers, upholstery and prints full of leafy and jungle leaves fill all kinds of homes, restaurants and businesses, but while until now the fauna that populated them consisted mainly of birds and parrots, now monkeys have made an appearance and are already roaming freely from branch to branch.

Monkeys in interior design

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

Very "cute" prints and paintings

If a whole jungle wall creates problems for you, try to place some loose sheets with a little monkey or an orangutan as the main motif. You will be giving that modern touch to the room with the advantage that you will be able to remove it as soon as it goes out of fashion, which will be sooner rather than later given how these types of fashions evolve...

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

Monkeys and lighting

This is one of the most creative ways to decorate with monkeys, since their peculiar movement and dynamism allow them to adopt the most diverse forms, hanging from all kinds of supports (walls, shelves or ropes) holding a light bulb to illuminate any environment.

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

How to decorate with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

In addition, they can also act as table lamps, this time choosing monkeys with a passive attitude, either standing or seated

Monkeys in interior design

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

How to decorate with monkeys

Monkeys in children's decoration

This is one of the most favorable natural habitats for the figure of the monkey. As an animal, they are funny and amusing. Their gestures and grimaces bring a smile to the faces of both adults and children, who adore them, so their presence in children's rooms was only a matter of time.

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

Monkeys in interior design

As part of the furniture

One of the most current pieces in which the presence of the monkey is more than evident is due to Jaime Hayón, who with his creation "Monkey Side Table", a side table whose foot is shaped like a monkey, has popularized the presence of this little animal to give a different and informal touch to the decoration.

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

Other objects

Stoves, candle holders, mirrors... Nothing can resist this little animal when it comes to decorating the house...

How to decorate with monkeys

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

Monkeys in interior design

So, with the grimaces and wanderings of this curious animal, we leave you this week with a few more images for your inspiration. Aren't they cute? ;)

Monkeys in interior design

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

How to decorate with monkeys

Monkeys in interior design

Monkeys in interior design

Monkeys in interior design

Ideas for decorating with monkeys

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Tropical prints for exotic decorations
Lighting with XXL lamps
How to integrate wood in interior decoration