Decoration of kitchens in blue

If recently we saw kitchen options without tall furniture, today we want to show you the result of applying color to this room, specifically we want to analyze the kitchen decoration in blue.

Decoration of kitchens in blue

It is a color loved by many but unusual in this room, since it is not usually linked to any food and therefore tends to be discarded.

However, it should not be rejected, since this color conveys tranquility, packaging and security. So, with all these qualities, why not use it also in the kitchen?

Wall and base units in blue lacquer

If you are bold with color, you will not mind at all to choose all the kitchen furniture in blue.

When we say all, we mean the base units, including the doors of integrated appliances such as the washing machine and dishwasher, the wall units and the columns.

The effect is that of a strong kitchen, with great weight and presence, so we recommend creating a bit of contrast with the countertop and tiles.

Opting for a white countertop and front between white furniture, for example, will soften the tone. Similarly, if we prefer a wooden countertop, we will get a warmer atmosphere thanks to this cozy material.

The floor will also help us to counteract the blue mass, so the material we choose will be as important as the shade of blue we give to the furniture.

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Blue base units

As a second option, we propose to use blue only in the lower part of the kitchen furniture, leaving the wall units in white as well as the countertop to give more lightness to the whole.

As with other kitchen styles where two finishes are combined between the upper and lower cabinets, using for example a wood on the lower cabinets and a clear lacquer on the upper cabinets.

The idea is to leave the heavier finish in the lower area and the lighter and brighter finish in the upper area to give more lightness to the whole.

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Single front in blue

When it comes to combining colors, we can also do it in large masses, that is, in kitchens with two furniture fronts where each of them has a different color.

In the examples of the following images, we can see how there is a kitchen with a line of columns lacquered entirely in blue, while, parallel to it, there is an island and a line of base units in white lacquer.

The following kitchen chooses to form a linear of low and high modules with columns on the sides in blue, while the large island that is located in front, has a white finish.

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Color applied on the kitchen island

Blue yes, but just a touch. If that is your thinking and you are lucky enough to have an island in your kitchen, you can imagine where we suggest you apply the color.

Normally the island gets all the attention, so why not enhance it?

Lacquering the lower part of it and creating contrast with the stools and countertop, we will have a good part of the decoration of the kitchen, since it will function as the focus of attention.

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

Decoration of kitchens in blue

The color applied to the wall

We have already seen that we can dye all or part of the furniture blue, but if we wanted to go a little further, we could also choose to give color to the walls.

For the unconditional lovers of this color, combining both wall and furniture is a good option, although, as we have said before, it is advisable to opt for a light-colored countertop.

Those who think it is too much, can choose a tile, wallpaper or paint only for the walls, without the need to have the furniture also lacquered in blue.

In the following images you can see different combinations of these options.

Light blue kitchens

And if you like blue but what you have seen so far has been too intense for a kitchen, think that you can always choose a much softer shade, even bordering on mint.

The kitchen will therefore be much more youthful, fresh and light. And, as we have already said, the rest of the materials will finish decorating the room and will define the style of the kitchen.

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