Spring flowers to decorate your home with

Longer days, milder temperatures, the famous asthenia that many suffer at this time of the year.... The signs don't fail. Spring has been making its way for some time and, with it, the explosion of nature reaches its peak. So much so that turning it into an ally of home decoration is a common practice and there are many spring flowers that claim their prominence in these months.

Spring flowers to decorate your home with

Some say that their presence is almost therapeutic, but beyond bringing wellness, spring flowers are a decorative resource with great potential in any room of the house.

Classic, hardy, delicate, colorful? The range is so wide that it is difficult not to find indoor and outdoor plants that decorate the environments flooding every corner with vitality. Haven't you let yourself be intoxicated by the magic of flowers yet? Well, here is an essential selection to decorate your home with plants this spring.

spring flowers

In pots, planters, flowerbeds, at ground level or hanging, petunias are a classic, besides being one of the most grateful spring flowers. They withstand high temperatures well, although you must be sure to water them regularly as they need plenty of water. However, if you provide them with the proper care, you will have flowers until autumn.

decorating with flowers

If you are looking for spring flowers that are easy to care for, verbenas are for you. Suitable for indoors and outdoors, these plants are able to bloom all year round in temperate climates although you must be careful with excess moisture. In addition to good drainage, they should be watered when the soil is dry.

If you are going to put it indoors, make sure it gets a good amount of natural light but not too close to the window. And if you are decorating the garden with verbenas, it is best in a semi-shaded area.

spring flowers for the living room

Petunias, verbenas, hyacinths or camellias are some of the most popular spring flowers, although roses, tulips, pansies and begonias are also interesting for indoors or outdoors.

Direct sun is one of the great enemies of primroses, another of the most recommended species to decorate with plants. There are many alternatives in terms of color, flowers that contrast with the intense green of the rough leaves creating an almost hypnotic effect. Place them in a fresh and luminous place and you will have flowers from the end of winter until well into summer.

spring flowers for the dining room

Its small flowers in clusters make hyacinths one of the most sought-after species in spring. Despite its delicate appearance, it is a plant that you can grow both indoors and outdoors, besides being perfect for creating centerpieces or bouquets to decorate the entrance, bedroom, living room... Its flowers, however, usually last between two and three weeks, although its flowering and duration depends on the light and temperature.

spring flowers for the entrance

Known as the flower of the Rías Baixas, the camellia is another alternative that you can incorporate as part of the plant decoration of your home. They begin to bloom in spring although they are outdoors so it is best to reserve a place for them on your balcony or terrace. They like humidity and usually grow without problems in places with temperatures between 5 and 12 degrees.

spring flowers for the bedroom

While these are some of the most popular spring flowers, they are not the only ones. But making the right choice requires more than just personal taste. Think about the space available, the time you can devote to their maintenance or the light and water needs of the plants before making a decision. If you want them to resist, it is always better to go for native species that are accustomed to the climate.

decorating the house with spring flowers

On the walls, on the table, hanging from the ceiling or at floor level. There are a myriad of ways to place your spring flowers so that their contribution to the attractiveness of the rooms is a success.

Beyond the species you choose, there are other aspects that will make your floral decoration a success. For starters, try mixing spring flowers of different sizes. You can create compositions or sprinkle the room with different pots adjusting their location, of course, to their sunlight needs. If you do not have much space, you can always take advantage of walls and ceilings creating vertical gardens or placing hanging pots.

how to choose the best spring flowers

You are not handy with plants but you don't want to give up decorating with flowers this spring? Don't worry, there are alternatives. A wallpaper with floral motifs for the living room, a table runner with spring prints, floral-inspired tableware .... There is plenty to choose from and without having to worry about watering or sunlight!

floral prints

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