9 keys to choosing a coffee table

When we face the arduous task of furnishing our living room, you already know that there are several aspects to consider. It is always necessary to start with the distribution to be clear about how much furniture we can put, where we are going to place them and what interests us most in this post, what is the ideal size that requires our distribution. More than one has ventured directly to the store making the purchase on impulse and the result has been a collection of furniture larger than your space allows. If we know beforehand we have half the work done, so we only have to choose the style, color and material.

9 keys to choosing a coffee table

In the case of the seating area, once we know the type of sofa that best fits in our living room and if we can accompany it with another sofa or a couple of armchairs, it will be then when we can define our coffee table. For this, we have prepared an article in which we tell you the keys to take into account to choose the one that will be the best table for our home.

1. Form

In the market we will find rectangular, square, round, hexagonal... A wide range of shapes that allow us to choose the most functional according to the case, as well as allowing us to give an original touch if that is what we are looking for.

Types of coffee tables

Types of coffee tables

Types of coffee tables

Types of coffee tables

2. Height: low vs. high

The low ones will always be more contemporary while the high ones will be more comfortable, especially if we like to dine on the sofa watching TV. In favor of the low ones we will say that they help to lighten the space regardless of their material. To achieve the same effect with the high ones, it will be essential to have thin legs or be made of methacrylate to mitigate the volume it occupies.

Types of coffee tables

Types of coffee tables

3. Grouped

A good option to bring dynamism and originality is to opt for more than one table that, grouped together, behave as our coffee table. Also, for lovers of TV light dinners, it can be a good option because everyone can have their own individual table.

Types of coffee tables

Types of coffee tables

4. Multiple

The image we show you is a three in one. A version of the previous option, only in this case, by moving one we move all of them.

Coffee tables for the living room

5. Monolithic

This type of coffee table is, undoubtedly, one of the most powerful. Its forceful shape is presented in the living room as the axis on which the seats are distributed, and can become the center of attention. This effect will be completed if it also has a striking material or color.

Coffee tables for the living room

Coffee tables for the living room

6. With lower shelf

If we want to be able to keep a magazine or box on the table, but we do not want it to be always on the top or that the table is a block with drawers, then it will be best that we opt for one that has a lower shelf. It will allow us to have things at hand at the same time that clear. And, of course, we can play with materials and combine two or three if we feel like it.

Coffee tables for the living room

Coffee tables for the living room

7. With storage

Contrary to the previous option, if one of our requirements is to have a lot of things at hand, nothing better than a table with a large storage capacity. Inevitably this will entail a closed piece of furniture, which can be opened from the top or from the sides.

Coffee tables for the living room

8. With magazine rack

Very practical if we do not have space for a separate magazine rack and very original if we want to break with the classic coffee table. A two in one in all rule. Of course, it is no longer worth leaving the magazines in the envelope, you have to keep them in their place.

Coffee tables for the living room

Coffee tables for the living room

9. Raisable

This is undoubtedly the favorite in many Spanish households. We love to watch TV while we dine and we like to do it without having to bend down to reach the plate. The truth is that in that sense it is very practical, but it is also true that few tables manage to combine aesthetics and practicality, so we have to be very clear about what we prefer before buying.

Coffee tables for the living room

So much for the factors that define a coffee table, but didn't this piece of furniture seem to have so much importance? Well, if you still have doubts about which style to buy, keep looking because we leave you with more examples.

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

Coffee table for living room decoration

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