Homefulness: the trend you won't be able to resist

Surely on more than one occasion you have experienced that unmistakable feeling of coming home and breathing. That satisfaction that comes from the moment you cross the threshold of the door when you feel "at home" is what is known as homefulness. At least, that's how it's been interpreted since Tiffany Warr Smith first used it in her book The Book of Human Emotions.

Homefulness: the trend you won't be able to resist

Homefulness is not yet well known among the general public, who are, however, very familiar with the sensation of pleasure experienced when arriving home and to which the term "homefulness" refers.

The literal translation of the term basically refers to the "pleasure of arriving where you belong. That mix of security, comfort and warmth is one of the most pleasurable sensations for any mortal. However, to use the word properly, it is not enough just to set foot inside. The house must convey that emotion and there are some basic recommendations that you can put into practice to achieve it.

what is homefulness

Although the original publication is more than five years old, the term has come back into fashion thanks to certain influencers who have their own particular way of understanding this concept. For the professional of order Mar Ferré, for example, the key is to "put awareness and full attention to the experience of any activity performed at home.

Not only in what concerns the home itself, such as cleaning or cooking, but also in things like getting dressed, making the bed.... From there, it is a matter of "transforming home routines into rituals" or, in other words, letting emotions flow while doing everyday household chores.

homefulness decoration

To feel full of homefulness you have to look for allies and order is undoubtedly one of the most important. A cluttered house does not invite relaxation. On the contrary. If you want your home to receive you full of positive energy you must leave it as you want to find it.

No dirty dishes in the sink, laundry lying around or unmade bed. Solve any chores that might upset you after a hard day's work to make coming home a real pleasure.

keys to homefulness

Colors, shapes and even materials can contribute to the feeling of homefulness, although one of the essential keys to achieve it is to maintain order and cleanliness in the home.

The commitment to simplicity is, in general, a guarantee of order. So much so that visual cleanliness is another key to a decoration that invites homefulness. Cupboards and drawers will help you to simplify the scenarios providing you with valuable resources to keep everything tidy and away from prying eyes.

characteristics of homefulness

That certain minimalist air does not mean that there is no room for decoration, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, decorating the home to your liking will make your house feel like a real home and, consequently, will bring you closer to that pleasant feeling that the term refers to. Light colors are a good way to create an atmosphere that invites you to relax, but there is more.

practicing homefulness

The furniture is another aspect you should pay attention to. Corners or excessively geometric shapes can be somewhat hostile. However, tables and sofas with sinuous edges will give your spaces a friendlier feel.

decorating with plants

Natural fabrics and materials have been trending for several seasons, that's not new. However, what you may not have thought about is that incorporating them into your home decor brings you a little closer to the homefulness experience. Sleeping between linen sheets, walking barefoot on a jute rug in the summer, sitting down to enjoy your favorite series while having lunch on a natural wood table... The sum of everything creates cozy scenarios that are hard to resist.

And the same goes for plants. Their ability to promote well-being is indisputable, so giving your home a natural touch in the form of vegetation is not a bad idea.

alternatives to homefulness

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